Display information pertinent to date clicked - specifically for [target: number by date] trackers
Hi, I currently have strides plus. I recently started using it and I love the tracker capabilities.
However, I have noticed something very strange. Not sure of this is a glitch or intentional. Whenever I go to the previous days to look at the previous days entries for all of my [Target: Number by Date] entries are just displaying the same information I see on the current day. Which is not very useful for me. And, honestly I’m kind of frustrated. I click on the previous days because I want to see what my latest entry was on that day!!, information relevant to that day! Is there a way to change what information is being displayed by the [Target: Number by Date] tracker? I would really like it to display entry-of-the-date clicked.
If there is an existing way to change the display to day of information, please walk me through it. Thank you.
Thank you, I would really appreciate any improvements on this matter.