Enable Launcher / inter-app linking
I’d like the ability to add a link/URL within a habit (or a target app) that I could trigger from within Strides — for instance to trigger a Shortcut, open a separate checklist, my calendar, or fitness app.

Daniel Lyons commented
This would add a ton of functionality to Strides with not very much development time. A user could paste in a URL which could link to any website, webapp, iOS/Mac app, or Apple Shortcut.
Then whenever that habit appears, I can simply click that link and it opens the link.
Aaron C commented
This would be super helpful and I think a really easy feature to add. See how it’s done in Streaks. I want to be able to see my today view and click on a little button that will open an URL so I can go to my meditation app, journal, exercise app, etc. In terms of making habits easy to follow through with this is such a big win because it makes the action you’re trying to do just that much closer