Allow Apple Health tracked weight goal to be tracked as "Target: Number by Date"
The recent update that added weight as a goal from Apple Health is great to have! but I would love if you could track it as "Target: Number by Date".
Currently it seems that you can only create the weight goal and it defaults to track as "Average: Repeating Number"
Even when creating a custom tracker an example for "Target: Number by Date" is weight.
This could apply to "Body Fat percentage", "BMI", and "Waist Circumference" too now that they are coming from Apple Health.

Thanks Ken! I totally understand. This is just a much larger code change so we didn't do it on this update. If enough people vote for it we'll do our best to make it happen.
In the meantime, it's important to note that the Average tracker type is still awesome for tracking these metrics. It's not the same approach as a one-time goal like losing 10 lbs by Summer, for example, but that can still be done with a Target tracker, and it's temporary. After that, the start and goal dates/values need to be changed frequently as seasons and goals change, and if you're just wanting to maintain your weight the Target tracker isn't helpful anymore.
With the Average tracker, you can set a Rolling Average goal to be at or below/above a certain number, and gradually adjust it over time if needed. That can even work for weight loss because you can set a number (or less) you'd like to average throughout a week or month, then lower that number until you've met your goal. From there, you can continue to track it to maintain that average weight. At that point an average is a helpful way to measure weight since it naturally fluctuates throughout the week based on water intake, digestion, activity level, sweat, sleep, etc.
Hope that helps! I'll keep an eye out for more votes on this one.