Apple Watch complications showing current progress of chosen tracker
Currently Strides supports only “Launch strides” type of complcations. This Apple Watch feature could be much more useful.
How could they work:
1. Add a complication
2. Choose complication from available Strides’complications
3. Choose available trackers
4. Track your progress
Visible info on complications:
- current number (eg. current page of a book)
- progress bar of choosen tracker goal progress (% of read pages)
- left to do today to match daily goal (optional - for additional info to previous two or as a different type of complication)
Most important types of complications:
- corner
- circular
Thanks for reaching out! Great idea. Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly, you basically want the ability to tap a complication to instantly log Yes for a Habit tracker, right?
If it's a type that requires a number or percent to log it would just open the Apple Watch app so you can enter the value, just like the iOS widgets. Is that all what you're picturing? Anything else you'd like to add?
Anonymous commented
It could basically work a lot like a "One Tracker" iOS widget.
Visible without opening:
- current number (for counters) or done/not done info (for these types of habit trackers),
- pace (for counters).
- nice to have: option to display remaining number to reach desired pace.
- nice too have: progress (as a progress bar or exact %),
- not needed (or even worsening the UX): choosen tracker name (I already know which tracker I chose to be the main one).After tapping a complication a screen with selected tracker could be opened directly, with an ability to:
- add log manually (text input using standard WatchOS numbered keyboard)
- quickly add +1 or -1 (which could then be aggregated to be a single log after some time of inactivity)
- optional: add note
- and with information: current number, percentage, pace, and some kind of other additional info which could be helpful, like red/green color depending on being under or above pace or average valuesI mainly use Strides for tracking progress in reading a couple thousand pages of guidelines. Having a complication (visible every time I look at the watch) with some info visible about current progress or even better - about progress needed to be made today, would be highly valuable.