Use yellow as an intermediate status level for goals
I like how Strides shows whether you're "on track" or not with green and red status colors, but it can be de-motivating to see a lot of red on the dashboard when I'm actually rather close to (but not quite) on track for several goals. I'd like an intermediate level (e.g., yellow) that indicates I'm not quite on track but close on a given goal, as a signal that a little effort here can get me back on track -- for an "easy win". Given that "on track" is defined in terms of evenly distributed activity and many people have variation in their schedules, incorporating this intermediate level would also address cases where someone is just in the lull of their activity cycle and will soon be back on track (if not ahead of "pace").
Anonymous commented
I like this as far as let’s say I want to read 30 pages a day. That’s my stretch goal. But I want a refuse to lose goal of 15 pages (which can be colored yellow)
Phil LaZenby commented
Seeing any red on your strides profile should mean something is wrong but because of notifications the way they are it isn't.