Checklist for tracker
Example - morning routine has several steps. I'd like to be able to check off each step within that tracker (without creating a separate tracker for each step). This would allow me to keep track of the areas of that tracker (I.e. Morning routine in this scenario) where I need to adjust or do better at.

Anonymous commented
Morning routine checklist and or any other routine checklist would be great
This is very interesting, thank you all for your feedback!
We're working on designing a checklist for the Project tracker, as opposed to just using sliders for the percent complete, which will work well for this.
I'm not sure how exactly we could implement this for a Daily Habit, but I'll definitely see what we can do. Very cool idea!
Anonymous commented
Yes! My morning & night routines consist of several different habits. The same goes for my weekly tasks. It becomes unwieldy if I add every habit I need but at the same time it makes the habits harder to accomplish in full if they're lumped in one habit with a mental checklist. This is the reason I still rely on another app to partially track certain habits/tasks. Would be really nice if I could do it all in Strides.
Anonymous commented
Looooove this and agree. Some habits are composed of "steps" as represented by a checklist. Hopefully we can take that into account.