Provide for a series of overall color schemes and tones to choose from.

Anonymous commented
White is boring for me, but some people like it. Should have user decides what he want to be.
I agree with what Jon said: "I think this would take away from the simplicity that makes Strides so great". Colors are a crucial component to the app (green is good, red is bad) so it'd get distracting having so many other variations to manage design-wise.
That said, you can always use emojis in the Tracker Name, and we're still considering color-coding Tags and displaying a tracker's tags below its name on the Today view.
Anonymous commented
THE one thing I want: COLORS.
The one thing I’ve found missing is a way to visually sort my strides (like exercise, habits, interactions, etc.). After buying the app and adding more strides they all get confusing a bit. Would love colors. -
Anonymous commented
Possibly just a few different themes so as not to go too crazy.
Anonymous commented
I think this would take away from the simplicity that makes Strides so great
Anonymous commented
Yes. For example, my tracker is in association with doing exercise videos. If one day I am unable to, but get in hiking instead I‘d like to mark the day as blue and enter in the comments, „hiked“
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
yes please! makes it feel like the app is *mine*
Anonymous commented
It would be great to customize the colors of the fonts & backgrounds, etc.
Anonymous commented
Dark background would be great for folks who are light sensitive.
Also, current top bar makes it difficult to see the blue fonts for comment and cancel
Anonymous commented
If you do add color schemes, please keep the option to continue the use of the “basic” existing theme. I like the idea of colors, but want to be able to switch back to how it is currently, if I don’t end up benefiting from colors.
Anonymous commented
I would like color schemes in particular something pink. But only if the feature doesn't require an upgrade.
Anonymous commented
I like the red and green simplicity to show what I am doing well and where I need to work harder, however, I wish the progress bar would change to yellow when I am within a certain percentage of achieving my goal. That way I know at a glance where my efforts are meeting with success (yellow), where it is time to step up the pace and increase my goal (green), and which ones need a redoubling of effort (red).
Anonymous commented
Color schemes would be nice, but I would really enjoy it more if it didn't require an upgrade.
Anonymous commented
I really like basic colours here, this is why I chose this app amongst other "habit" apps. It's more Zen and to the piont.
Anonymous commented
Agree!!! The 'face' of this app is really ugly,but it's just functional!!!!
Ben commented
Yes, more colour an categories please!
Anonymous commented
Agreed. This is probably one of the better apps in terms of functionality, however, I still look for different apps to use simplicity because this one is cold and lifeless. I want to feel excited and motivated when I'm logging progress. As it is now with the blue and white color scheme, I feel like I'm sitting in a cold lobby listing stats. Currently, other apps that have themes are much more motivating for me. Just by seeing an exciting color in the background or hearing an uplifting sound when I complete a goal for the day is enough to keep me using the app. I even use apps that have no where near the functionality of this one because they are simplicity more motivating to use. I've even paid for some knowing they don't compare to Strides simply because they are more exciting. It's a shame because I really want to use this app since it's more powerful than many others. The problem is that I don't want to feel like I'm showing up for math class when I need to log progress. Don't get me wrong, I love the chart motivation, I'm a stats addict, but often that's not enough to keep me excited. So yeah, if other themes could be offered beyond "cold lobby theme", I would rate this the best app of its kind. Also, sounds are a big deal for me personally, there have been times when I find a app with an awesome theme but, having no sound, I quit using it almost immediately. Something about hearing a sound when progress is complete is electric and addictive. Right now, I rate Strides "highly functional but not the app to use if numbers alone don't motivate you."
Crystal commented
Yea, colour themes! I came here to request this. Different colour themes we can change depending on our preference or moods.
The current theme is simple, nice & clean. I like it. However, it does feel a bit sterile at times. Additional themes would also be simple, clean & nice.
Thanks, Strides :)
Anonymous commented
At least one option for a dark background...similar to "productive" app