Option to add “Weight/Points” to a task.
Different tasks have different importance and different impact on our personal improvement.
Meditation is very important for me & brushing my teeth twice is important but not as much.
So I assign 6 points to meditation and 2 points to brushing teeth at night, 4 points to drinking 2 litre water, and so on.
All these daily points combined can show how much percent of the day/week/month I achieved in a very personal way.
Lets say I just meditated today, didn’t drink 2l water nor did I brush so I still achieved 50% of my goal today (6/12 points), rather than 33%(1/3 tasks)
I do this manually in a spreadsheet right now, but if this is implemented inside the app, it will help users with a tracking of their habits in a much more meaningful way.
Isabel commented
It will be awesome that we can give to certain type of habits a daily score of 1 to 5 where a "1" is low and a "5" is high. Every week will have the average of the week and we can compare if we are having progress each week.
Anonymous commented
Rank Items by priority. Perhaps a weighted average point system per day.
Anonymous commented
For example, starting a new habit could feel difficult for someone, but doing an important normal task like flossing could be considered easy.
Points Goal: (e.g 5,000)
Difficulties: None(5 Points), Moderate (10 Points, 1.25x), Hard (20 Points, 1.5x)
Streaks: After a streak goal is reached, the assigned difficulty of the Tracker becomes a multiplier on the points for that Tracker. This would allow someone to still achieve their goal even if they aren’t perfect all the time
It could follow a formula like this:
F = Days to Achieve (End Date - Start Date)
Tr = Tracker
ETr = Tracker (No Difficulty) = 5 Points
MTr = Tracker (Moderate) = 10 Points, 1.25x
HTr = Tracker (Hard) = 20 Points, 1.5xtF = Tracker Frequency (Daily, Weekdays, Weeks, etc)
tF! = Not in Frequency Scope (Days that aren’t weekdays or Days that aren’t selected)
TtF = Time to Finish = F - tF!
n = tF.Count (ETrn1 = count of easy daily trackers, ETrn2 = count of easy weekday trackers, etc)
PpT = Possible Points per tracker = E/M/HTrn * TtF
Points Goal = G = PpT.sum
- There could be “On/Off Track” progress area
- Tips like “Hit 2 Goal streaks to get back on Track”Achieving your goals should be reward enough at the end, but if you wanted to make it interesting, people who opt in to “make it interesting” could donate $25-$50 and if they achieve their points goal they get to pick the charity that it goes to. If they don’t achieve their goal half goes to the app developers and they get they other half back.
It’s kind of complicated, but it’s something I actually do manually in a journal now and it’s extremely motivating!
Sascha Brossmann commented
You might want to put "resist perfectionism" on your habit list ;-) I would recommend to either commit or not, but never allow for this kind of rationalisation. I have been there, too – it just does not work, not at all. If you fail too often you are either overcommitted and trying to build too many habits at once or you lack commitment. In the first case postpone building the failing habit then and in the second case lower your goal until you are able to achieve it no matter what. Always strive for 100% and make all your habits a priority (or forget about them until you are ready). You should thus be able to build much better habits.