Consider When to Log for Streak/Success
I have a habit that is “bike to work” which is set to log MTWThF. I bike ThF one week and MT the next week, and it counts it as 4/6 days instead of 4/4. If it’s only set to log on certain days, only those days should count towards a streak.

Anonymous commented
This seems vital to a habit app to me, I only want to worry about logging habits on the days I actually want to complete it.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please make it an option to create weekday or weekend goals. Day to day lives differ greatly between them and so do goals.
Anonymous commented
This needd to be changed
Anonymous commented
Yes, please. I love this app but that is my biggest gripe. I have to log that I workout 7 days a week when I only workout 5 lol
Anonymous commented
Is this feature still planned?
Anonymous commented
This will be really helpful, streaks make sense if consider when we really want to track habits
Anonymous commented
Was this implemented? I set up a weekday-only log starting last Tuesday, completed it tues-fri, and am now on Sunday listed as having a 4/6 success rate and a 0 day streak. My understanding if this excellent request has been implemented is that I would be 4/4 with a four-day streak...
Anonymous commented
Perhaps also that chart to does not show the current week as in failure it's not over yet (ie saying 4/6 weeks when of the 2 is hardly started ....)
Anonymous commented
I have some habits that are only relevant for specific days of the week (weekdays or the weekend for example). While the “When to Log” setting provides partial support for this, the streak length is still calculated without taking this setting into account. Ideally streak caclulation should only include those days specified in “When to Log” and ignore completions or non-completions on all other days.