Control when the next day starts
I'm a night owl and will check off some of my activities after midnight. Since the next day starts at midnight, this means I can't see from the dashboard which activities I've completed and which ones I haven't.
Sascha Brossmann commented
Had the same thought (night owl, as well). And realised that it would not make a difference, actually. Not for habits, that is. The time shift just carries over. :)
Anonymous commented
I work third shift, starting at 23:00, so this would be a big help
Jarrod commented
I LOVE this idea.
Hi Nora,
Thanks for the idea! We'll look into how this would work. The key will be to make sure it works the same across timezones (Strides is used in over 100 countries).
I added this to our dev roadmap. Have a great week!