Ramzi Malhas
My feedback
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1,163 votes
Now that Strides 16.0 is launched (you can break your big goals into small steps with the Project tracker's Milestone Checklist feature) we're starting development on Accountability! You'll be able to share your progress on specific goals with people to hold you accountable and keep you motivated.
An error occurred while saving the comment Ramzi Malhas supported this idea ·
THANK YOU strides team for such a wonderful concept of an app. Coming from a person with ADD this has yet to be the most revolutionary app out there. I can safely say you have saved me. However I have a proposition / suggestion that you might be interested in.
1. I have a virtual online life coach who keeps me accountable for basically everything / goal that I do. A proposition for you to implement another layer to your concept, is for professionals like him have exclusive access as the accountability mentor / professional / coach whatever you want to call it - where he would be able to track reel time every step of your ways and moves from goals I (as a user) have set from my type of access (the type of access I have now) - please let me know if you need further clarification for my explanation. But I think this could be huge for you for the one on one coaching and mentorship industry. The ultimate accountability tool!
2. Was wondering if you could improve the end of week reporting system. A report, graph or Something that I can look at at one glance eagles eye view to see where I am really going wrong. What goals am I not looking after enough. Also, if point one does interest you, a chance for the coach to comment on places where you went well and wrong in the week. Maybe a end of week questionnaire or something (TBD)
I see SO MUCH potential and space for improvement in strides and I will forever be supportive to your movement.
Please feel free to contact me on my email if you would like to chat more on what I’ve mentioned above. Ofcourse if there are limitations on what can and can’t be done. Totally understandable. But I’m a believer in working around restricted possibilities.
Looking forward to hearing back from you !????