Setting for what time day starts
I would like to choose when my day starts, instead of the default 'at midnight'.
I'm a bit of a night owl, so I stay up late and tend to sleep in. This constantly makes it seem like I'm behind on my goals, even when I'm not.

This idea was suggested before the Today tab was launched. That view was custom built to make it super easy to backlog, so if you stay up past Midnight it’s as easy as tapping yesterday to log anything you hadn’t logged before the date changed.
lisa commented
+1 Yes, by the time I get around to logging for the day, it's already past midnight and going back is a pain. This would be invaluable!
Ste commented
+1 I absolutely need this!!!
Kristena commented
I work night shifts so it would be awesome if I could create my own “days”. For example, my day typically starts at 6pm and ends the next day at 11am. If we could customize our own “days” it would be super helpful!
Anonymous commented
I might have found a hack for this: I set my time zone in the app to American Samoa (-11 UTC) because I live in San Diego, CA (-8 UTC) so now I can do my cardio workout and chores before I go to bed at 2am and it still counts for today. I dunno I just installed and configured this app but we’ll see I guess. Not sure why an app would have a time zone setting anyways come to think of it - if it actually works this way app maker should just relabel time zones to “day ends at ___” and let users choose hour when their day resets I.e day ends at 4am.
RMS commented
Currently, it assumes our “days” will “start/end” on traditional standards that work around the time, e.g. a person’s “Monday” might not “end” until hours into Tuesday.
Jason Barnette commented
A setting to allow the start and end hour for daily trackers. For example, let’s say I want to complete 10 tasks over the course of my work day. If I use the daily tracker, the pace line is already well up into the progress bar when I wake up at 6am due to the tracker starting a midnight. If there were an option to set my start and end hour for a daily tracker (e.g. start 8am/ end 5pm) the pace line would be much more accurate because the tracker would start and end at those times. Thank you.
Bill Morgan commented
Several of my goals have different states depending on whether I look at them on web app vs on the iOS app. Some are red and behind pace on the web but within pace and green on the iOS app. This is immediately after sync so both apps should have the same state after the sync I think.
Jason Barnette commented
This is exactly what I need. For example, when im working I have as a goal to visit 20 clients per day. My work day is from 8-5. My tracker bar is using a 24 hour day, so it’s difficult to see if I’m on track. It I could set a custom time period, within a certain tracker, the bar would help me stay productive throughout my actual workday.
Sascha Brossmann commented
+1 for simply shifting the default to 4am if customisation would be too complicated.
Anonymous commented
It could be very useful. I hope that developers could realize it. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
I hacked around this by changing time zone in settings - for instance if I switch from Pacific time to Hawaii time (-3h) then my day ends at 3am. This also shifts logging time stamps but I don’t mind.
Agreed this would be nicer though. Heck just a shifted default to 3 or 4am would work - hardly anyone starts their day before those.
Anonymous commented
Pleeeeeeeease add this.
shae commented
yes, i agree. i have a sleeping situation that keeps me up at night and asleep during the day so i need to be able to toggle what a 'day' is by my own definition. i have the free version right now but no other task manager except habitica has this option and it would motivate me to buy the premium.
D Lenik commented
Personally, I don't go to bed at midnight. I go to bed around 1-2am. I'd love to be able to customize my rollover time so I'm not scrambling to floss at 11:55pm before I've even begun any other part of my nightly routine.
Ward commented
Right now it considers a day 24 hours, however when used for work goals that can throw you off. Allow start day choice (ex: 8am) and end day (ex: 6pm)
Anonymous commented
I often stay up past 12am and it's annoying that I have to go into the history view to log things I did on the correct day since the day has rolled over. Could you add an option to adjust when a new day starts? I'd probably set it to 3am or so.